Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Prosecution: Legislation: Modern Legislation:
Prosecution: Legislation: [Site] I n t e r n a t i o n a l L e g i s l a t i o n
[Site] A f r i c a n L e g i s l a t i o n [Site] Congolese Legislation [Info] Lauro, Amandine. »Sexual Violence, Female Consent and Colonial Law in the Belgian Congo 1908-1960.« Historicising Rape. Cardiff 2015. [Info] Zongwe, Dunia P. »The New Sexual Violence Legislation in the Congo: Dressing Indelible Scars on Human Dignity.« African Studies Review 22 (2012): 37-57. [Site] Liberian Legislation [Info] Medie, Peace A. »Fighting Gender-Based Violence: The Women's Movement and the Enforcement of Rape Law in Liberia.« African Affairs (June 19, 2013). [Site] South African Legislation [Info] Fransch, Chet. »The Reading of Simone de Beauvoir's Sexual Violence in Marriage within the Changing Climate of South Africa, c. 1948-2007.« Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Simone de Beauvoir Society: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Edited by Andrea Duranti et al. Newcastle upon Tyne 2017: 212-226. [Info] Kaganas, Felicity, et al. »Law Reform and the Family: The New South African Rape-in-Marriage Legislation.« Journal of Law and Society 18 (1991): 287-302. [Site] A m e r i c a n L e g i s l a t i o n [Site] Brazilian Legislation [Info] Arend, Silvia M.F. »Rompendo o “silêncio”: Violências sexuais, infâncias e direitos (1989-2000).« Outros Tempos No. 29 (2020): 205-220. [Info] Bertaco, Letícia S. »O lenocínio na história penal brasileira.« Encontro de Iniciação Cientítica 8 (2012). [Info] de Oliveira, Marco A.G. Violência contra mulheres: A invisibilidade do estupro doméstico. Thesis, Universidade de Brasília, 2013. [Info] Estacheski, Dulceli. Os crimes sexuais na Cidade de Castro – PR (1890-1920).Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade Federal do Paraná, 2013. [Info] Estacheski, Dulceli. Crimes sexuais: A histo?rica culpabilizac?a?o das vi?timas. Curitiba 2017. [Site] Canadian Legislation [Info] Amirault, Joanna, et al. »Examining Sexual Assault Trends in Canada: The Impact of Rape Law Reform Over Three Decades.« 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Chicago 2012. [Info] Backhouse, Constance. »A Selected History of Sexual Assault Legislation in Canada, 1892-1983.« Gendered Intersections: An Introduction to Women’s & Gender Studies. Edited by C. Lesley Biggs et al. Winnipeg 2011: 293-295. [Info] Backhouse, Constance, et al. »A Comparative Study of Canadian and American Rape Law.« Canada-United States Law Journal 7 (1984): 173-213. [Info] Barker, Bobbie J. (Un)Changing Views of Rape and Rapists in the Law, Sociology and Social Constructionist Literature: A Social Constructionist Approach. M.A. Thesis, University of Western Ontario, 1998. [Info] Benedet, Janine. »Sexual Assault Cases at the Alberta Court of Appeal: The Roots of Ewanchuk and the Unfinished Revolution.« Alberta Law Review 52 (2014): 127- . [Info] Chenier, Elise. »The Criminal Sexual Psychopath in Canada: Sex, Psychiatry, and the Law at Mid-Century.« Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 20 (2003): 75-101. [Info] Chenier, Elise. Strangers in Our Midst: Sexual Deviancy in Postwar Ontario. Toronto 2008. [Info] Devon, Sandra A. Rape and the Judicial System: A Study of Social Control, Manitoba, 1965 - 1980. M.A. Thesis, University of Manitoba, 1984. [Info] Drysdale, Janet L. Rape and the Law in Ontario 1892-1930. LL.M. Thesis, York University, 1988. [Info] Laughton, Angela. A Case of Seduction: Sexual Violence and the Law in Southern Alberta, 1922. B.A. Thesis, Mount Royal University, 2016. [Info] MacFarlane, Bruce A. »Historical Development of the Offence of Rape.« 100 Years of the Criminal Code in Canada: Essays Commemorating the Centenary of the Canadian Criminal Code. Edited by Josiah Wood et al. Ottawa 1993: 1-79. [Info] McGregor, Joan. »The legal heritage of the crime of rape.« Handbook on Sexual Violence. Edited by Jennifer M. Brown et al. New York 2012: 69-89. [Info] Temkin, Jennifer »Women, Rape and Law Reform.« Rape: An Historical and Social Enquiry. Edited by Sylvana Tomaselli et al. Oxford 1986: 16-40. [Site] Chilean Legislation [Info] Valenzuela Cáceres, Marcelo E. La sodomía en Chile (1875-1928): Una perspectiva desde la criminalidad y la ciencia. Tesis doctoral, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2019. [Site] Colombian Legislation [Info] Gómez Castrillón, Luis A. »Derecho penal sexual: Un caso de discurso moral religioso.« Estudios de Derecho 69 (2012): 325-350. [Site] Guatemalan Legislation [Info] de Matta Alvarez, Ana M.L. Estudio del Derecho comparado entre el delito de violación en la legislación guatemalteca y la legislación mexicana. Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad Panamericana, 2013. [Info] England, Sarah. »Protecting a Woman’s Honor or Protecting Her Sexual Freedom? Challenging the Guatemalan Patriarchal State through Reforms to Sexual Violence Legislation.« Latin American Perspectives 41 (2014): 124-142. [Site] Mexican Legislation [Info] de Matta Alvarez, Ana M.L. Estudio del Derecho comparado entre el delito de violación en la legislación guatemalteca y la legislación mexicana. Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad Panamericana, 2013. [Info] Flores Méndez, Yessenia. »Violencia contra la mujer, divorcio y relaciones de género en Tamaulipas a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX: Una mirada histórica.« Contribución al análisis de la violencia familiar en Tamaulipas.Edited by Victor Daniel Jurado Flores. Ciudad Victoria 2020: 17-55. [Info] Lara, Sandra E. "Crimes against the Order of the Family, Public Morality, and Decency": Sexual Violence and Jurisprudence in Coahuila, Mexico, 1871-1931. Ph.D. Thesis, University of New Mexico, 2016. [Info] Rodríguez Campos, Carlos. »Yucatán y el Delito de Estupro en los últimos 136 años.« Tohil 9 (2008): 1-34. [Site] Nicaraguan Legislation [Info] Lacombe, Delphine. »Légiférer sur les « violences de genre » tout en préservant l’ordre patriarcal: L’exemple du Nicaragua (1990-2017).« Droit et société No. 99 (2018): 287-303. [Site] U.S. Legislation [Info] Anderson, Michelle J. »From Chastity Requirement to Sexuality License: Sexual Consent and a New Rape Shield Law.« George Washington Law Review 70 (2002): 51-162. [Info] Anderson, Michelle J. From Chastity Requirement To Sexuality License: Sexual Consent and a New Rape Shield Law. Villanova 2002. [Info] Aneja, Abhay, et al. The Impact of Right to Carry Laws and the NRC Report: The Latest Lessons for the Empirical Evaluation of Law and Policy. Cambridge 2012. [Info] Aneja, Abhay, et al. »Substance vs. Sideshows in the More Guns, Less Crime Debate: A Comment on Moody, Lott, and Mar.« Econ Journal Watch 10 (2013): 32-39. [Info] Arriola, Eliva R. »'What's the Big Deal?' Women in the New York City Construction Industry and Sexual Harassment Law, 1970-1985.« Columbia Human Rights Law Review 22 (1990): 21-71. [Info] Bachman, Ronet, et al. »The Adjudication of Rape since Reforms: Examining the Probability of Conviction and Incarceration at the National and Three State Levels.« Criminal Justice Policy Review 6 (1992): 342-358. [Info] Bachman, Ronet, et al. »Rape: Incidence and Legal and Historical Aspects.« Violence in America: An Encyclopedia. Vol. 3. Edited by Ronald Gottesman. New York 1999: 13-16. [Info] Backhouse, Constance, et al. »A Comparative Study of Canadian and American Rape Law.« Canada-United States Law Journal 7 (1984): 173-213. [Info] Berebitsky, Julie K., chair. »Protective Legislation in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century America.« 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders, and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017. [Info] Bevacqua, Maria, et al. »Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain! Power, Privacy, and the Legal Regulation of Violence Against Women.« Women & Politics 26 (2004): 57-83. [Info] Cochran, Augustus B. Sexual Harassment and the Law: The Mechelle Vinson Case. Lawrence 2004. [Info] Corrigan, Rose. Up Against a Wall: Rape Reform and the Failure of Success. New York 2013. [Info] Corrigan, Rose. »Up Against a Wall: Sexual Violence and the Failure of Success.« Douglass Residential College, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. New Brunswick 2013. [Info] Coukos, Pamela. Hostile Environment? The Development of Sexual Harassment Law in the United States 1971-1991. Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, 2011. [Info] Cuklanz, Lisa M. Rape on Trial: How the Mass Media Construct Legal Reform and Social Change. Philadelphia 1996. [Info] Davis, Virginia, et al. »Sex Offender Registration in Indian Country.« Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law (2008): 3-23. [Info] De Orio, Scott. »The Creation of the Modern Sex Offender.« The War on Sex. Durham 2017: 247-267. [Info] De Orio, Scott. »The Invention of Bad Gay Sex: Texas and the Creation of a Criminal Underclass of Gay People.« Journal of the History of Sexuality 26 (2017): 53-87. [Info] Deer, Sarah. »Sovereignty of the Soul: Exploring the Intersection of Rape Law Reform and Federal Indian Law.« Suffolk University Law Review 38 (2005): 455-466. [Info] Freedman, Estelle B. »"Uncontrolled Desires": The Response to the Sexual Psychopath, 1920-1960.« Passion and Power. Sexuality in History. Edited by Kathy Peiss et al. Philadelphia 1989: 199-225. [Info] Geis, Gilbert. »Rape-in-Marriage: Law and Law Reform in England, the United States, and Sweden.« Adelaide Law Review 6 (1978): 284-303. [Info] George, Marie-Amelie. »The Harmless Psychopath: Legal Debates Promoting the Decriminalization of Sodomy in the United States.« Journal of the History of Sexuality 24 (2015): 225-261. [Info] Jacquet, Catherine O. Responding to Rape: Contesting the Meanings of Sexual Violence in the United States, 1950-1980. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2012. [Info] Johnson, Laura S. Gender Discrimination and Title IX Implementation: Lessons from the Office for Civil Rights Resolution Letters 1997-2011. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Kentucky, 2015. [Info] Jones, Eleanor. “In God We Trust”: A Legal History of the Emergence, Development and Influence of the Sexual Abuse Scandal within America's Catholic Clergy. B.A. Thesis, University of Sydney, 2011. [Info] Jordan, Carol E. Violence Against Women in Kentucky: A History of U.S. and State Legislative Reform. Lexington 2014. [Info] Ladd-Taylor, Molly. »“Ravished by Some Moron”: The Eugenic Origins of the Minnesota Psychopathic Personality Act of 1939.« Journal of Policy History 31 (2019): 192-216. [Info] Leonetti, Sara. Rape and the Law: An Examination of the Relationship between Sexist Cultural Attitudes and Washington State's 1975 Rape Law Revision. Honors Thesis, University of Washington, 2015. [Info] Mancini, Christina N. Sex Crime in America: Examining the Emergence and Effectiveness of Sex Offender Laws. Ph.D. Thesis, Florida State University, 2009. [Info] McGregor, Joan. »The legal heritage of the crime of rape.« Handbook on Sexual Violence. Edited by Jennifer M. Brown et al. New York 2012: 69-89. [Info] Nelligan, Peter J. Social Change and Rape Law in Hawaii. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1983. [Info] Oreskovich, Joanne. Dimensions of sex offender sanctioning. A case study of Minnesota’s legislative reforms, 1987-1993. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Minnesota, 2001. [Info] Palmer, Caroline, et al. »Re-Thinking Minnesota's Criminal Justice Response to Sexual Violence Using a Prevention Lens.« Symposium: 50th Anniversary of the Minnesota Criminal Code-Looking Back and Looking Forward. Saint Paul 2013. [Info] Patton, William W. »Revictimizing Child Abuse Victims: An Empirical Rebuttal to the Open Juvenile Dependency Court Reform Movement.« Suffolk University Law Review 38 (2005): 303-350. [Info] Peak, Kenneth J., et al. »Sex Offenders.« Violence in America: An Encyclopedia. Vol. 3. Edited by Ronald Gottesman. New York 1999: 144-147. [Info] Rayburn, Corey. »Better Dead than R(ap)ed? The Patriarchal Rhetoric Driving Capital Rape Statutes.« St. John's Law Review 78 (2004): 1119-1165. [Info] Reid, Lydia J.E. Rape, Law, and Society in the Progressive Era. M.A. Thesis, University of Virginia, 1992. [Info] Saguy, Abigail C. »Employment Discrimination or Sexual Violence? Defining Sexual Harassment in American and French Law.« Law & Society Review 34 (2000): 1091-1128. [Info] Seidman, Ilene, et al. »The Second Wave: An Agenda for the Next Thirty Years of Rape Law Reform.« Suffolk University Law Review 38 (2005): 467-491. [Info] Tanner, Harold. »Chinese Rape Law in Comparative Perspective.« Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs No. 31 (1994): 1-23. [Info] Temkin, Jennifer »Women, Rape and Law Reform.« Rape: An Historical and Social Enquiry. Edited by Sylvana Tomaselli et al. Oxford 1986: 16-40. [Info] Whittier, Nancy. Frenemies: Feminists, Conservatives, and Sexual Violence. Oxford 2018. [Info] Yung, Corey R. »Rape Law Fundamentals.« Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 27 (2015): 1-46. [Site] A s i a n L e g i s l a t i o n [Site] Afghan Legislation [Info] Wimpelmann, Torunn. Adultery, rape, and escaping the house: The protection and policing of female sexuality in Afghanistan. Bergen 2017. [Site] Chinese Legislation
[Info] Jing, Fenghua. »Representation and Practice in "Privately Settling Illicit Sex Offenses," with Attention to the "Third Realm" from the Late Imperial Period to the Present.« The History and Theory of Legal Practice in China: Toward a Historical-Social Jurisprudence. Edited by Philip C.C. Huang et al. Leiden 2014: 150-172. [Info] Ma, Zhao. »Wayward Daughters: Sex, Family, and Law in Early Twentieth-Century Beijing.« Chinese Law: Knowledge, Practice and Transformation, 1530s to 1950s. Edited by Li Chen et al. Leiden 2015: 176-203. [Info] Ruskola, Teemu. »Law, Sexual Morality, and Gender Equality in Qing and Communist China.« Yale Law Journal 103 (1994): 2531-2565. [Info] Tanner, Harold. »Chinese Rape Law in Comparative Perspective.« Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs No. 31 (1994): 1-23. [Info] Zhang, Man. »Rape, Law, and Politics in Early 1950s China.« Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Virtual, 2021. [Site] Indian Legislation [Info] Arya, Lakshmi. Rape Laws and Trials in Colonial Times (British India and the Princely State of Mysore, 1860-1947). Ph.D. Thesis, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 2007. [Info] Basu, Srimati. »Sexual Property: Staging Rape and Marriage in Indian Law and Feminist Theory.« Feminist Studies 37 (2011): 185-211. [Info] Dutta, Debolina, et al. »India's Winter of Discontent: Some Feminist Dilemmas in the Wake of a Rape.« Feminist Studies 39 (2013): 293-306. [Info] Gangoli, Geetanjali, et al. »Political Activism, Legal Discourses and Sexual Violence in India.« e-International Relations (February 6, 2013). [Info] Kathuria, Poonam. »Changing laws and unchanging statistics: Rape and rape laws in India.« Needs No Introduction (2014). [Info] McClure, Alastair R. Violence, Sovereignty, and the Making of Colonial Criminal Law in India, 1857-1914. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2017. [Info] Patel, Vibhuti. »Campaign against Rape by Women's Movement in India.« Deportate, Esuli e Profughe No. 24 (2014): 36-47. [Info] Sakhrani, Monica. »Reading Rape Post Mathura.« Indian Journal of Gender Studies 23 (2016): 260-285. [Site] Israeli Legislation [Info] Ajzenstadt, Mimi, et al. »Never Mind the Law: Legal Discourse and Rape Reform in Israel.« Affilia 16 (2001): 337-359. [Site] Japanese Legislation [Info] Burns, Catherine. Sexual Violence and the Law in Japan. London 2005. [Site] Sri Lancan Legislation [Info] Merry, Michelle E. Rape as Torture: An Analysis of Sexual Torture in International Humanitarian Law and the Domestic Law of Sri Lanka. Master Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2006. [Site] Turkish Legislation [Info] Gözayd?n, ??tar. »Adding Injury To Injury: The Case of Rape and Prostitution in Turkey. Evil, Law and the State: Perspectives on State Power and Violence. Edited by John T. Parry. Amsterdam 2006: 59-70. [Info] Gozaydin, Istar. »Rape, Prostitution and Law in Turkey. Evil, Law and the State: Issues in State Power and Violence. Edited by Istar Gozaydin et al. Oxford 2006: 167-171. [Site] E u r o p e a n L e g i s l a t i o n [Site] General [Info] D’Cruze, Shani. »Sexual violence since 1750.« The Routledge History of Sex and the Body: 1500 to the Present. Edited by Sarah Toulalan et al. New York 2013: 444-459. [Info] Lorenz, Maren. »Der Wandel der juristischen Definition sexueller Gewalt unter dem Einfluß von Gerichtsmedizin und Anatomie seit der frühen Neuzeit.« Workshop of the Graduiertenkolleg »Sozialgeschichte von Gruppen, Schichten, Klassen und Eliten«, Universität Bielefeld. Bielefeld 2000. [Site] Austrian Legislation
[Info] Bachitsch, Inge N. Die Entwicklung der Sittlichkeitsdelikte in Österreich bis 1918 unter Berücksichtigung der wichtigsten Strafgesetzentwürfe. Dissertation, Universität Wien, 1997. [Info] Balthasar, Susanne. Die Tatbestände der Vergewaltigung und sexuellen Nötigung. Eine rechtsvergleichende Betrachtung des deutschen und österreichischen Rechts mit Schwerpunkt im 20. Jahrhundert. Linz 2001. [Info] Kirchknopf, Johann K. »Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Kinder im österreichischen Strafrecht des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts: Ein Delikt und Strukturmerkmal zugleich.« Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften 28 (2017): 106-132. [Info] Larcombe, Wendy. Compelling Engagements: Feminism, Rape Law and Romance Fiction. Annandale 2005. [Site] Belgian Legislation [Info] Lauro, Amandine. »Sexual Violence, Female Consent and Colonial Law in the Belgian Congo 1908-1960.« Historicising Rape. Cardiff 2015. [Site] English Legislation [Info] Arya, Lakshmi. Rape Laws and Trials in Colonial Times (British India and the Princely State of Mysore, 1860-1947). Ph.D. Thesis, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 2007. [Info] Edwards, Susan S.M. Female Sexuality, the Law and Society: Changing Socio-Legal Conceptions of the Rape Victim in Britain since 1800. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Manchester, 1979. [Info] Geis, Gilbert. »Rape-in-Marriage: Law and Law Reform in England, the United States, and Sweden.« Adelaide Law Review 6 (1978): 284-303. [Info] Godden, Nicola. Rape and the Civil Law: An Alternative Route to Justice. Masters Thesis, Durham University, 2009. [Info] Hey, Jennifer E. Beyond R v A: Sexual History Evidence and the Reform of S.41. Master's Thesis, Durham University, 2011. [Info] Jackson, Louise A. Child Sexual Abuse and the Law. London, 1870-1914. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Surrey, 1997. [Info] Jackson, Louise A. Child Sexual Abuse in Victorian England. London 2000. [Info] Lammasniemi, Laura. »Anti-White Slavery Legislation and its Legacies in England.« Anti-Trafficking Review No. 9 (2017): 64-76. [Info] MacFarlane, Bruce A. »Historical Development of the Offence of Rape.« 100 Years of the Criminal Code in Canada: Essays Commemorating the Centenary of the Canadian Criminal Code. Edited by Josiah Wood et al. Ottawa 1993: 1-79. [Info] McGregor, Joan. »The legal heritage of the crime of rape.« Handbook on Sexual Violence. Edited by Jennifer M. Brown et al. New York 2012: 69-89. [Info] Temkin, Jennifer »Women, Rape and Law Reform.« Rape: An Historical and Social Enquiry. Edited by Sylvana Tomaselli et al. Oxford 1986: 16-40. [Info] Williamson, Adrian. »The Law and Politics of Marital Rape in England, 1945–1994.« Women's History Review (February 24, 2016). [Site] Finnish Legislation [Info] Kotanen, Riikka. »From the protection of marriage to the defence of equality: The Finnish debate over the sexual autonomy of wives.« Rape in the Nordic Countries: Continuity and Change. Edited by Marie B. Heinskou et al. London 2020: 83-100. [Site] French Legislation [Info] Saguy, Abigail C. »Employment Discrimination or Sexual Violence? Defining Sexual Harassment in American and French Law.« Law & Society Review 34 (2000): 1091-1128. [Site] German Legislation [Info] Anselm, Reiner. Jüngstes Gericht und irdische Gerechtigkeit. Protestantische Ethik und die deutsche Strafrechtsreform. Stuttgart 1994. [Info] Balthasar, Susanne. Die Tatbestände der Vergewaltigung und sexuellen Nötigung. Eine rechtsvergleichende Betrachtung des deutschen und österreichischen Rechts mit Schwerpunkt im 20. Jahrhundert. Linz 2001. [Info] Brüggemann, Johannes A.J. Entwicklung und Wandel des Sexualstrafrechts in der Geschichte unseres StGB: Die Reform der Sexualdelikte einst und jetzt. Baden-Baden 2013. [Info] Dane, Gesa. »Zeter und Mordio«: Vergewaltigung in Literatur und Recht. Göttingen 2005. [Info] Degener, Theresia. »Juristische Entwicklungsschritte: Vom Tabu zur sexuellen Selbstbestimmung für behinderte Menschen?« Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie 51 (2002): 598-609. [Info] Kerchner, Brigitte. »Körperpolitik: Die Konstruktion des »Kinderschänders« in der Zwischenkriegszeit.« Politische Kulturgeschichte der Zwischenkriegszeit 1918-1939. Edited by Wolfgang Hardtwig. Göttingen 2006: 241-278. [Info] Kratzer, Isabel. »Die Geschichte des Vergewaltigungstatbestandes - Aufbruch contra Konservierung.« Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft 93 (2010): 83-103. [Info] Kratzer, Isabel. »"Unwiderstehliche Gewalt", "ernsthafter Widerstand" und "minder schwerer Fall" als Schlüsselwörter der Geschichte des Vergewaltigungstatbestands.« Hat Strafrecht ein Geschlecht? Zur Deutung und Bedeutung der Kategorie Geschlecht in strafrechtlichen Diskursen vom 18. Jahrhundert bis heute. Edited by Gaby Temme et al. Bielefeld 2010: 119-137. [Info] Lipi?ska, Monika. Die Sexualstraftaten im polnischen Strafkodex im Vergleich zum deutschen Strafgesetzbuch. Frankfurt/Main 2013. [Info] Müting, Christina. Sexuelle Nötigung; Vergewaltigung (§ 177 StGB). Reformdiskussion und Gesetzgebung seit 1870. Berlin 2010. [Info] von Gottberg, Joachim. »Die Darstellung sexueller Gewalt. Rechtliche Grenzen im Strafrecht und Jugendschutzrecht.« Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Edited by Jochem Kotthaus. Weinheim 2015: 25-42. [Info] Walter, Franz. »»In dubio pro libertate«: Sexualstrafrecht im gesellschaftlichen Wandel.« Die Grünen und die Pädosexualität: Eine bundesdeutsche Geschichte. Edited by Franz Walter et al. Göttingen 2015: 108-135. [Info] Willekens, Harry. »Der rechtliche Umgang mit der Sexualität von Jugendlichen und Kindern: Widersprüchliche Entwicklungen.« Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualität nach 1968. Edited by Meike S. Baader et al. Cologne 2017: 123-136. [Site] Icelandic Legislation [Info] Bragadóttir, Ragnhei?ur. »Legislation on the offence of rape in Icelandic criminal law.« Bergen Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 8 (2020): 54-77. [Site] Irish Legislation [Site] Italian Legislation [Info] Addis Saba, Marina. Io donna, io persona: Appunti per una storia della legge contro la violenza sessuale. Interviste-incontro con Comitato promotore romano della legge di iniziativa popolare. Rome 1985. [Info] Novarese, Daniela. »Sul corpo delle donne: Stupro e debitum coniugale in Italia fra Otto e Novecento.« Violenza di genere, politica e istituzioni. Edited by M. Antonella Cocchiara. Milan 2014: 233-273. [Info] Pignata, Marianna. »“Dal” Corpo e “sul” Corpo della donna: Il reato di stupro fra Ottocento e Novecento.« Questione Giustizia No. 2 (2016): 175-180. [Info] Van Cleave, Rachel A. »Sex, Lies, and Honor in Italian Rape Law.« Suffolk University Law Review 38 (2005): 427-454. [Info] Van Cleave, Rachel A. »Rape and the Querela in Italy: False Protection of Victim Agency.« Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 13 (2007): 273-310. [Info] Van Cleave, Rachel A. »Renaissance Redux? Chastity and Punishment in Italian Rape Law.« Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 6 (2008): 335-350. [Info] Vitale, Antonella. Fuitina: Love, Sex, and Rape in Modern Italy, 1945-Present. Ph.D. Thesis, City University of New York, 2020. [Site] Norwegian Legislation [Info] Jacobsen, Jørn, et al. »Reforming the rape offence in Norwegian criminal law.« Bergen Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 8 (2020): 78-94. [Site] Polish Legislation Laws: Canon Law [Info] Jurczak, Aleksandra. 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[Site] Russian Legislation
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